Orderly bathroom: Tips from Marie Kondo

A system for tidying up the bathroom

Marie Kondo knows how to get it done: The Japanese consultant brings order into the home with a simple method. Including our bathroom, of course! Because order in the bathroom is essential if you want to create a place of relaxation. Learn the bestselling author’s best tips for keeping your bathroom in check here.

Order in the bathroom: A case for the tidying-up expert

Pink wall with tiles and a shelf
A fixed place for every item: With clever storage ideas like the WallStoris accessories from hansgrohe, you can create harmony in the bathroom.

Tidying up has never been more popular. Japan’s Marie Kondo has played a major role in this worldwide movement. An expert in the field, Kondo has turned her passion into a profession. She’s written three books on tidying up, including the bestselling “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”

​​​​​​​The tidying expert is also well-known in Germany, mainly for her Netflix series “Tidying up with Marie Kondo”. In English, her last name even became a verb: “to kondo” is a synonym for “to radically tidy up.”
But why is Marie Kondo so popular? Part of it has to be her ethereal appearance: The tidying expert seems to be at peace within herself, exuding an enormous sense of calm. She combines a tidy home with a tidy soul. Thus, our home can become a mirror of our inner life. 

This spiritual idea of order and cleanliness gives Kondo’s tidying philosophy its special charm, while also taking up the idea of a minimalist concept of life: Less is more. 

Marble sink with golden faucets and accessories
A simple, streamlined design brings calm to the bathroom and sharpens the eye for the essentials.

More order in the bathroom with the KonMari method

Marie Kondo has developed her own method for tidying up. The idea behind it: clean up properly once and keep it that way. The KonMari method can also be easily applied in the bathroom – it might even be extra important there. 

Because this is where we start the day with a refreshing skincare routine or end the evening with a relaxing bath. This kind of place of rest requires order. Missing towels, drawers with nothing in them, or laundry piled up in front of the washing machine: the lack of a system disturbs the peace in the bathroom. 

With the KonMari method, you can turn your bathroom into a tidy space in no time. The process involves the following three phases:

  1. Radically clean out and create more storage space in the bathroom: Take a day and collect all the items and decorative elements in your bathroom. Pick up each one and see if it sparks joy in you. “Does it spark joy?” is one of the most important questions of the KonMari method. One basic rule says that we should only surround ourselves with things that make us happy. That means you should be rigorous when sorting out decorative items you don’t like. You can give away or donate unused care products and extra towels. 
  2. Re-sort and give things a permanent place: After sorting, group all similar items with one another. They get a permanent place in the bathroom. Depending on your interior style, you can roll up bath towels and store them in a cabinet. For a calm appearance, store small items like care and hygiene products, cosmetics, and hair dryers in rattan or fabric baskets. Items for everyday use can go on practical shelves. The WallStoris storage system from hansgrohe, for example, works well for this purpose. It is a flexible system that you can conveniently stick on – no drilling into the wall or tiles required.
  3. Maintain your system: Once the bathroom is tidy, it’s important to keep it that way. By developing daily routines, you’ll achieve the mindful focus you need to keep things neat.

Frequently asked questions about more order in the bathroom with the KonMari method

Who is Marie Kondo?

Marie Kondo is a Japanese tidying expert. She is a best-selling author and has her own Netflix series all about tidying up.

What is the Japanese consultant’s approach?

Ms. Kondo has a holistic approach: The living space mirrors the soul. By surrounding ourselves only with things that are beautiful and serve a purpose, we create the necessary clarity for a mindful life.

What principles guide Marie Kondo’s tips for tidying up?

The KonMari method envisages clearing things out in the first step, then stowing the remaining items according to a system.

How important are order and storage space in the bathroom?

Storage space in the bathroom is essential. In baskets and cabinets, items get a fixed, designated place so that they can be found at any time. This brings a pleasant calm to the bathroom.

How do I maintain order in the bathroom in the long term?

We can reduce consumption and clutter by regularly questioning the purpose of decorative elements, (unused) care products, and accessories.

Order and mindfulness as principles of bathroom design

​​​​​​​A tidy bathroom is a blessing that can positively influence our mood. Tidying up according to the KonMari method and living by it in the long term can enrich our lives with values like a mindful approach to raw materials. 
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