Sustainability in our sights

Keep your green conscious in check with these environmental certifications

If you enjoy a sustainable lifestyle, you will happen across sustainability certificates. But which ones are really relevant to bathrooms and kitchens? We totally get that it’s easy to lose track here. This article therefore introduces a number of certificates. It is important to ask yourself the following questions: Who issues environmental certificates? Which criteria do they need to meet to be considered reliable? And how do you as the consumer benefit from this? We also reveal which certificates and standards play a role for hansgrohe.

Content woman in her sustainable bathroom.
For a clean conscience and a better future: Design your bathroom for the next generation with selected sustainability certificates.

Why are sustainability certificates so important?

Because they help consumers when purchasing products online or in store. We’re not just talking about the quality seals omnipresent in the food industry here – eco-labels are also widespread in the “living” sector. They underline the value of certain products when you are wanting to build, renovate, and furnish using sustainable materials. Sustainability certificates cover ecological, economic, and sociocultural aspects, as they identify products and services that are socially fair, environmentally friendly, and resource-efficient – including the manufacturing process and production chains, the treatment of employees, the product life cycle, and recycling or reuse.

Certified sustainability with hansgrohe

As a founding member of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), we provide support in green building certification processes, as our product range meets the requirements for water- and energy-efficient solutions.

Want to save water? Calculate your potential savings now.

We publish Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) that provide information on how products have an impact on the environment throughout their life cycle. These declarations contain quantitative and objective information and always go through an independent verification process. In addition, our economic activities always respect the “Do No Significant Harm” (DNSH) principles of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, which is part of the European Commission’s sustainable finance framework.

To give you a recent example: Our Planet Edition, which consists of the Pulsify, WallStoris, and Designflex product ranges, represents a showering experience that combines efficient water management, stylish design, and sustainability – and uses recycled materials. We won the German Ecodesign Award for it in 2023. This highlights Hansgrohe’s commitment to eco-conscious design where functionality and looks go hand in hand, without neglecting environmental responsibility.

Learn more about hansgrohe’s corporate values here.

The top 3 international sustainability certificates and their importance

International environmental and sustainability certificates are basic indicators of a commitment to the future in the interests of the global community. The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) act as a key guide here. One of the most important standards is ISO 14001, which defines globally recognized standards for efficient environmental management. It aims to achieve environmental goals, constantly improve environmental performance, and observe compliance rules. Requirements for continuous energy efficiency optimization based on specific systems and processes concerning usage and energy consumption fall under the ISO 50001 standard. In the section below, we introduce three global sustainability certificates.

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)

FSC® certification on a wooden swing set in a public space.
FSC®: This NGO has been setting standards for sustainable forest management and supporting environmentally friendly wood and paper products worldwide since 1993.

FSC® is one of the leading international certifications for sustainable forest management. Founded in 1993 as a non-governmental organization, the worldwide standards are based on ten principles that call on companies to:

  1. Comply with all applicable laws,
  2. Maintain or improve the social and economic well-being of workers,
  3. Uphold the rights of Indigenous Peoples,
  4. Maintain or improve the social and economic well-being of local communities,
  5. Manage their products and services in a way that maintains or improves their long-term economic viability, social benefits, and environmental benefits,
  6. Maintain, conserve, and/or restore the ecosystem services and environmental values of managed forests and also avoid, repair or mitigate negative environmental impacts,
  7. Establish a management plan that outlines their economic, environmental, and social policies and objectives,
  8. Demonstrate progress toward meeting these objectives,
  9. Maintain or improve high conservation values,
  10. Ensure that all management activities comply with FSC® principles and criteria.

The FSC® also oversees the supply chain (chain of custody) and conducts annual audits.

Cradle to Cradle Certified®

The Cradle to Cradle™ certificate on a smartphone display.
The Cradle to Cradle™ standard certifies products that are fully reusable and safe for people and the environment.

The Cradle to Cradle Certified® global standard certifies the safety, fairness, and circularity of products. In so doing, it assesses the following aspects:

  • Product circularity
  • Material health
  • Clean air and climate protection
  • Water and soil stewardship
  • Social fairness


Companies receive an achievement level of Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum depending on how well they perform in the named areas. The certified organizations need to renew their award every two years.

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC™)

PEFC™ also advocates for improving the global use and maintenance of forests through sophisticated ecological, social, and economic requirements. To do this, the independent system certifies both sustainable forest management and the supply chain.

The PEFC™ logo on a log.
The PEFC™ seal guarantees that wood products come from sustainable forest management and ensures the protection of Europe’s forests.

Examples of PEFC™ standards include:

  • The protection of ecologically important areas
  • No use of genetically manipulated organisms
  • Following the ILO’s core labor standards
  • Upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Guaranteeing protective measures for workers


The contents of the PEFC™ program are based on the agreements set out by the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe.

Frequently asked questions about sustainability certificates

What are sustainability certificates?

Sustainability and environmental certificates authenticate the ecological, economic, and sociocultural commitment of companies and/or their products in different fields and industries.

Is all proof of sustainability equally as important?

Nowadays there are many certifications, labels, and seals. So much so that consumers can easily lose track. It’s therefore important to look closely at who is issuing the certificate and the criteria and standards behind the assessments.

What are SDGs?

SDG stands for “Sustainable Development Goals.” They refer to the United Nations’ 17 sustainability goals, which cover social, environmental, and economic issues.

Which standard regulates internationally relevant environmental standards?

Anyone dealing with sustainability certificates should pay attention to the ISO 14001 standard, which includes globally recognized standards for effective environmental management.

Which sustainability certificates are well known worldwide?

The most well-known global certifications include FSC® and PEFC™ for sustainable forest management and Cradle to Cradle Certified®, which certifies the safety, fairness, and circularity of products.

hansgrohe white paper: The Green Bathroom.

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Renovate and build in an environmentally friendly way. Learn interesting facts about sustainable bathroom renovation in the hansgrohe white paper.

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